Show Us Your Mask!
We want to hear about you and your maskmaking efforts and we want to see what you are creating. No matter what your style — sporty, crazy, glamorous — share your creativity and talent with the world. Tell your story. Upload your best creations. Get new ideas. Inspire other mask makers. (And if you love a mask the UMB donated to you show us here too.) Prizes and giveaways for posting!
Proud member of AFSCME Local 366. I have made masks for my coworkers. They seem genuinely thankful. I am using my Grandmother's Singer. It was a wedding present in 1919. I wonder if she sewed masks back then?
Solidarity with the star mask. Thank you, to everyone volunteering with this great effort .
RN, WFNHP member at Milwaukee BHD -- mask up!
I work at the deli counter at Pick N Save in Kenosha and am a member of UFCW Local 1473. I love my new mask. What a fun idea. Keeping workers safe.
I am a retired Registered Nurse and member of the Wisconsin Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals. We can slow the spread with masks and solidarity.
I’m a founding member of the UMB and an Administrative Assistant at WI AFL-CIO. I have enjoyed being able to put my skills to work when the pandemic hit. It has been rewarding to be part of the “war effort” so to speak. I’ve experimented with lots of different patterns and types of fabric and had a few broken needles along the way.
I am a cake decorator and member of UFCW Local 1473 in Kenosha. Thank you for the beautiful mask and for stopping by!
I'm an RN in emergency medicine and member of the WFNHP.
Thank you Union Mask Brigade sewers. This is an amazing project.
Thanks for the mask. I am the produce lead here and member of UFCW Local 1473. Go union.
I’m a founding member of the UMB and an Accountant at WI AFL-CIO. My mother taught me to sew when I was a child. Sewing was always a part of our home when growing up and I continue to sew on a regular basis. When the pandemic hit and there was word that masks were needed, it was an opportunity to use my sewing skills, but more importantly to help people.
Thanks for the flower power mask.
I work at the deli counter at Pick n Save in Kenosha and am a member of UFCW Local 1473. It's a great thing what volunteers are doing with the Union Mask Brigade.
Way to go Union Mask Brigade, thank you for the mask.
I am a retired 30-year member of IAM Local Lodge 873 with same years of service at John Deere Horicon Works. While I enjoy retirement in the Northwoods, I am sewing masks for family and friends. I am honored to dedicate some of time and talent to sew masks for frontline workers.
This is a great effort of union members giving back to fellow workers and the community at large to stay healthy. We are all in this together. Thanks from all of us at AFSCME Local 3055. (President)
Happy to rock my new Union Mask Brigade mask.
I work at Milwaukee Behavioral Health. Thanks for the mask, Union Mask Brigade. We are all stronger and safer when we mask up.
This mask will come in handy. I work in carts and baggage. Thank you, Mask Brigade.
Thank you, thank you Union Mask Brigade. Love the new mask.
Thanks, UMB sewers and volunteers for the new mask.
I am a paraprofessional at Milwaukee Area Technical College Dental Hygiene program and member of the American Federation of Teachers Local 212. I have been busy making masks for family and friends and community members since the beginning of the pandemic. I am happy to pick up fabric and complete masks for essential workers through the Union Mask Brigade.
I am Secretary-Treasurer of the UFCW Local 1473. The Union Mask Brigade is a great program powered by solidarity. Thank you to all the sewers helping to get workers protection. Together we are strong. Solidarity!
I am a union rep with the UFCW Local 1473 and I represent members at grocery stores in southeast Wisconsin. Since day one of COVID-19, workers have been standing together in union to make our workplaces safe in this new times. It's great to have the support of fellow union members with the Union Mask Brigade and new masks.
These masks are great - USW Local 2-209 at Harley-Davidson thanks the Union Mask Brigade for their donation!
I am a Housekeeper at Milwaukee Behavioral Health -- can't wait to rock the new Union Mask Brigade mask.
I am a cashier at Pick N Save in Kenosha and a member of the UFCW Local 1473. Thanks to the union sewers for the new mask.
Psych tech at MHD. Mask up, Milwaukee.
Thanks for the mask, Union Mask Brigade.
Wisconsin Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals -- union strong at Milwaukee Behavioral Health. Standing together to stay safe and best serve our patients.
Proud member of AFSCME Council 32
I so appreciate the efforts of the Union Mask Brigade and am happy to donate fabric for the sewers. I just took out my machine and am getting ready to get back into sewing. Retiree with GCIU Local 577M (Teamsters).
I am proud to be a union member of AFT Local 243. This is my Laurel Burch face mask. I love it!
Homeschooling mom who enjoys sewing in her spare time.
Thank you for the beautiful new mask.
Wearing a mask at the bakery keeps both us and our customers safe.
I just got my Union Mask Brigade mask and I LOVE IT! What I love the most is that beautiful union-made label. Big thank you to all the members of the UMB for providing me this mask. Solidarity, forever from the Chicago & Midwest Regional Joint Board of Workers United, CMRJB Workers United
I am a customer store specialist and I know the customers will appreciate this new mask. Thank you, Union Mask Brigade.
From all of us at USW Local 2-209 thanks for the donation of masks. Health and safety is a major concern of our union. Any extra help to stay safe at home and at work is very welcome.
While I sew, I think about every person who may wear one of the masks. I think about the MPS teacher delivering supplies to students, the transit worker driving my neighbor to pick up groceries, the healthcare worker who needs a covering to go over the N95 mask they’ve been re-wearing. I think about my family and the people they may come in contact with at the grocery store. I’ll continue to sew cloth masks past my bedtime until everyone is protected and safe.
Great mask, thank you UMB.
I am a cashier at Pick N Save in Kenosha and member of UFCW Local 1473. Flower power and union power are both in this mask.
I am the Political Director/Retail Service Director for UFCW Local 1473. Union pride and union strong with the Union Mask Brigade. A great undertaken to get workers PPE. Workers are stepping up to get our country through.
UAW Local 9 Brewery Workers -- mask solidarity.
Can't wait to pass out these masks to my fellow letter carriers! Thanks Union Mask Brigade! I will be rocking the mask on my route. Letter Carrier blue goes great with the uniform.
The Union Mask Brigade is a great idea -- thanks for the mask!
Union Mask Brigade, mask up!
Thank you, Union Mask Brigade. Mask up, stay safe.
Thank you from Machinists Lodge 78
Racine Education Association member for 11 years. Loves DYI projects and camping, riding motorcycles and coffee.
I’m a retired member of AFSCME Local 3055. My husband Tim, who just recently retired from National Association of Letter Carrier, Branch 619 and I are long time union supporters and excited to volunteer our efforts.
I am a UAW member and member of the Wisconsin AFL-CIO Executive Board. I appreciate the Union Mask Brigade looking out for the health and safety of working people.
Mask up, Wisconsin.
Thank you, thank you to all the members of the Union Mask Brigade. Solidarity.
I am a 10 year member of IAMAW Local Lodge 66 as a journeyman mechanic at Ocean Spray Cranberry in Kenosha, WI. I serve as a union steward, organizing committee chairperson, and currently hold the position as treasurer for the Racine County AFL-CIO chapter. I have two children and three grandchildren that I just adore. My passion is riding motorcycles and camping. I love my union family!
RN at Milwaukee Behavioral Health. Always great to have extra masks to slow the spread of COVID-19.
Thank you to the sewers of Union Mask Brigade. This is one of the best fitting masks I've come across. Solidarity.
Thank you to the Union Mask Brigade for the donation of masks. Our bus drivers love the masks. They are made really well and are super comfortable to wear. Excellent quality. (ATU 998 President)
Thank you, it's my first day, a great welcome from the Union Mask Brigade.
I am a psych tech at MBHD -- Union Mask Brigade gets it done getting workers extra protection with cloth masks.
Go union. Go UFCW Local 1473. Thank you Union Mask Brigade, let's all mask up out here.
AFL-CIO Community Services Liaison Jay Reinke shows off masks made and donated by Jane Gladoski.
I am a retired member of OPEIU Local 9 and DALU 24111. I have been making masks at home and am proud to donate my homemade masks to the Union Mask Brigade to get out to frontline workers.
Thank you sewers and volunteers of the UMB for the mask.
Thank you, Union Mask Brigade, for getting us new masks.
Thanks to WI AFL-CIO and the UMB for delivering us some great homemade masks. Can't wait to try! USW Local 2-209
Happy to donate fabric and masks to the efforts to get essential workers protection on the job.
New mask, who dis?
I’m a UAW member, CAP/PAC Coordinator, and member of the Wisconsin AFL-CIO Executive Board. I have done hundreds of masks for UAW members in manufacturing facilities in Wisconsin and the Midwest. We are union strong.
Thanks to the UMB for having our backs while we have yours. Stay safe!
I am an RN at Milwaukee Behavioral Health and member of the Wisconsin Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals, AFT. I have been making masks for family members since the pandemic hit. Even cutting up aluminum pans into strips to fashion nose pieces.
Bakery clerk and member of UFCW Local 1473. Thankful to the Union Mask Brigade. Stay well, Wisconsin.
Proud member of AFSCME Local 171 and reporter at WORT radio. Wearing masks is a way to show respect for others. Making masks is my way to show that respect, to give back to the community. I've been sewing since middle school. My skills were rusty when I started mask making. Before volunteering for the Brigade, I sewed masks for family and friends. The Brigade has helped my sewing skills return and, I hope, help others stay safe and well.
Thanks UMB from USW Local 2-209 at Harley Davidson!
Thank you from the IAMAW Local Lodge 66 at Miller Brewery!
Thanks Union Mask Brigade, this new flower mask making me look good.
My red UMB mask brightens my day!
Thank you to all the sewers of the Brigade for your efforts. (Vice President, AFSCME Local 3055)
Flight nurse at Milwaukee Behavioral Health. Union strong all day long.
A big thank you to the Union Mask Brigade for helping to keep my wife Anne and I safe during these uncertain times. And thank you for the donation to the nurses and health professionals of the WFNHP! (President of the Wisconsin Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals, AFT)
I am a CNA in the children's unit at Milwaukee Behavioral Health. I mask up to stay safe and save lives.
I'm with the Wisconsin Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals, AFT. I am a Surgical Tech and President of the Tech Unit at St. Francis Hospital. Here I am sporting my Blue Fist embroidered mask! Thanks, UMB!
Thank you to the sewists of the Union Mask Brigade for this beautiful mask.
The message I created from Post-its and paint on our window is "Be Safe. We Deliver for You." We're doing everything we can to be safe too. The letter carriers at Wauwatosa Station and I thank the Union Mask Brigade for helping.
I am the Secretary-Treasurer for Metropolitan DC Federation of Musicians, Local 161-710 of the AFM. I also sew quilts, which means I have a rather large stash of fabric. I have made 500+ masks so far and have given them away to friends, but also doctors, nurses, dentist offices, nurse practitioners, and nursing care facility employees.
Thank you for the masks, Union Mask Brigade and the Wisconsin AFL-CIO.
This is the essence of solidarity. Union workers helping union workers. The labor movement in a nutshell. Thank you to the WI AFL-CIO and all the sewers of the Union Mask Brigade for the donation of masks to UAW Local 9 Brewery Workers.
Some heroes wear masks. #ATUstrong
To all the Union Mask Brigade sewers - the masks you are making are being received very enthusiastically. I love them and everyone I speak with does too. I applaud and thank you for your dedication to helping union workers be safer on the job. (President, Wisconsin State AFL-CIO)
I am a veteran special education teacher and active member of Madison Teachers, Inc. I also serve on the Dane County Board. So far, I have made over 500 masks. My first batch was for nurses at a local pediatric clinic. Sewing has become a part of daily life for me. I know it makes a difference. It’s something I can do to help. SMART nose strips have been an amazing addition to my masks. ❤️Solidarity.
Go Union Mask Brigade, go.
Thank you for the new mask! UAW Local 9 Brewery Workers.
I'm a letter carrier at Wauwatosa Station and a member of the WI State Association of Letter Carriers. I'm sending thanks to the UMB for delivering these beautiful masks. It made our day!
I am a retired public employee at UW Milwaukee and the organizer of the Brady Street Moms. My machine was accumulating dust, so I thought this is the perfect time to get it running to help workers in Wisconsin by contributing to the Union Mask Brigade effort.
Stay safe, mask up.
I am MTEA retired art teacher. I taught at Golda Meir, 38th Street, Sholes Middle School, Honeycreek, Neeskara, Grand Avenue, French Immersion, Carleton, Trowbridge. I’ve been making masks nonstop and handing them out wherever I can (including Washington HS for the election voters).
Thank you to the Union Mask Brigade for the new mask.
The Union Mask Brigade is helping keep me and my grocery customers virus free. I'm a proud UFCW 1473 member and know my union is continuing to fight for worker protections.
Mask save lives. Sending a virtual hug to the sewers and volunteers with the Union Mask Brigade.
Housekeepers mask up to save lives.
My husband Dennis is a Steelworker and Wisconsin AFL-CIO’s Secretary Treasurer. I’m so happy to be able to put my love for sewing to use making masks. I’m doing adults and kids sizes in multiple styles and patterns.
Our union is making sure we stay as safe as possible while keeping up our service to the community. Essential workers, unite!
A mask helps us as drivers stay healthy as we continue to serve our communities during the COVID-19 health crisis. If you are a passenger, mask up with us. We are stronger, together.
I and the IAMAW at Miller Brewery thank the UMB for the mask donations.
I am a member of OPEIU Local 9 and have been making masks for family members. Can't wait to make some for the Union Mask Brigade and sew some of the Union Mask Brigade labels onto the masks.
I am an RN and member of the Wisconsin Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals. I wear a mask to slow the spread of COVID-19 and help our healthcare heroes.
Thanks to the Union Mask Brigade for the comfy mask!
Proud MTEA member. I am happy to donate material, resources, and my time for this great solidarity effort to get workers masks in Wisconsin.
My wife is in the Union Mask Brigade - here's the USW mask she made that I wear with pride. Thank you to all the hardworking sewers of the UMB! (Wisconsin State AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer)
Styling in my new Union Mask Brigade mask.
I'd like to thank the Union Mask Brigade for having the backs of Letter Carriers by making these fantastic masks! Our carriers have been on the front lines delivering normalcy to the American public since Day One and will be there to help deliver the recovery of our nation as well. Thanks again to our brothers and sisters of the Union Mask Brigade! (President of the WI State Association of Letter Carriers)
Shout to the Union Mask Brigade.